”I`ll have another pipe,” he announced with a pleasant note of excess. They only censored about 16% of the comments they found more politically pleasing. In a consensual way and at consensual times for the respective director and president [read how the respective director and president agree in writing], I found the complex Guizhou sauce/flavors in southern China the most enjoyable. See the full definition of suitable in the Dictionary of English Language Learners WHEREAS agents and lenders accept such requests, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein; and it is an adjectival form, like datis, and probably means ”pleasant, pleasant.” But consider the context. This recital is the result of an amendment to a loan agreement; The above recital indicates that borrowers want the agent and lenders to refrain from certain non-conformities. To say that the agent and the lenders are ready to give up this non-compliance, it would be clearer and more normalized to wish for it. It seems strange that the recitals anticipate the agreement reflected in the introduction that follows the recitals using acceptable (the parties therefore agree as follows). And here are some examples of pleasant ones that are used to convey meaning 3, with my alternative formulation noted in parentheses: The jukebox plays a mix of melodies from the sixties, an appropriate and pleasant feature. A pleasant day can be sunny and warm, with a gentle breeze, and a pleasant meal is eaten with friends and tastes good. You can also use pleasantly to signify ”okay” as if your sister was lending them her car for the weekend. In old French, it was acceptable, from the agreement, ”to please” or ”to receive with favor”, from the expression a grã©, ”favorably” or ”to his y like”.
So what`s wrong with ”pleasant”? To find out, let`s start by being pleasant. He is well received everywhere, because his manners are good and pleasant. But you could afford to drift to the left of your readership as long as you maintain a pleasant tone about it. That sounds like a nice number until you remember that he received 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008. Pleasantly surprised, Beauty offered her hand to the handsome prince and helped him get up. The feathers on their thighs are round at the end like shells, and since they are very thick, they have a pleasant effect. Whoever drafted Costner`s contract probably had in mind that the pleasant would be the adverbial form of the meaning 3 of pleasant. It may be easier to recognize if you question the sentence in the active voice: ”if. we do not pleasantly exhibit the sculptures elsewhere… ».
How does the pleasurable effect in contracts have? To get an idea, I turned to the SEC`s EDGAR system as usual. The word ”pleasant” appears in 1,898 contracts filed last year, making it a relatively common use. The pleasant resources of Paris must surely please and instruct all classes of characters. It`s always satisfying when two players find themselves in the same team with enjoyable games, under a coach who understands their symbiotic energy and optimizes their creativity in the right system. But if the 3 meaning of pleasant is not useful, pleasant is a drastically suboptimal way of expressing the intended meaning: ”If . we do not accept to exhibit the sculptures elsewhere… ». In summary, one-off prose stylists would avoid meanings 2 and 3 of pleasant; Contract writers should walk a mile away from them. Many users therefore consider the change to be much more acceptable and enjoyable. at the registered office of the Company or at any other place that is mutually agreed with the Buyer and the Assignor [read that the Buyer and the Assignor agree in writing] Of course, it is not used to transmit Meaning 1, which is not suitable for contracts.
Instead, here is an example of a pleasant one that is used to convey meaning 2: Meaning 3 conveys loose consent. It does not serve to convey the meaning required in the above excerpts, namely a legally binding agreement, so I would rather refer to the agreement in writing. In everyday English, the adjective pleasant seems to have the following meanings: Something that is pleasant is pleasant or satisfying. A pleasant travel companion is someone with whom you get along well and whom you appreciate and whose company you enjoy. on terms acceptable to Licensee [read that Licensee agrees in writing] My only point of contention with Heidi`s account of Costner`s contractual dispute is that she says consent is ambiguous. I don`t think that`s the case, because you can understand the meaning you want quite easily. Instead, the problem was that the contract did not specify how the parties were to express their agreement. The source of uncertainty was therefore not ambiguity, but the lack of being sufficiently precise.
(Chapter 6 of the MSCD discusses the various sources of uncertainty; this March 2008 blog post on AdamsDrafting is a first draft of this chapter.) The word ”pleasant” only appears in a contract submitted to EDGAR last year. Not surprisingly, this use alone is inconsistent: ”The mortgagee. may transfer [mortgage property] to the purchaser for a simple sum which, in such a case, is in accordance with the law … Costner would have avoided the boredom of this action if the contract had been worded as follows: ”If. we do not agree in writing to exhibit the sculptures elsewhere… ». Of course, to achieve this, he should have lost pleasantly. Pleasant Middle English ”pleasant, acceptable, ready to accept”, borrowed from Anglo-French, from the agreement ”please, consent, accept” + -able -able Of course it is a contract; Go here for a PDF copy. (This is the first time I`ve linked to the CELEBRITY website TMZ.) What struck me was the use of the word in the wording of the contract in question (emphasis added): if a use is too dubious to make even a big appearance on EDGAR, you know it`s a stench. Although I do not expect this to happen if the Dunbar is not built within ten (10) years or if the sculptures are not pleasantly exhibited elsewhere, I will give you 50% of the profits from the sale of the sculptures on a scale of one and a quarter, after recovering all my costs for the creation of the sculptures and such a sale. The sculptor filed a lawsuit to enforce this provision; Costner claimed that the sculptor had agreed that Costner could install the sculptures at his tourist resort in Tatanka, South Dakota.
A South Dakota court sided with Costner. My thanks – I think! – goes to Heidi Anderson of ContractsProf Blog, who with this post helped spread the word about disputes over bison sculptures commissioned by Kevin Costner. What is nice about the adverb? In everyday English, it means ”pleasant”. For example, a recent New York Times article used it as follows: ”In a way that pleasantly juggles dead self-irony, brazen caricature, ironic observation, and emotional openness… ». .
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